Monday, December 21, 2009

Blog Virgin

Does anyone remember their first time?

Most often you don't because it was crap and not memorable.

I waited till the respectable age of 18; I've always thought that was something to be proud of. As if when asked: "what is your proudest achievement in life", I could scream out: "waiting till 18 before being deflowered!" :0)

But yes, I did it in the early hours of January 1st 1998 about 6 weeks after my 18th birthday. I'd like to think we were the first to have sex that year. I don't remember the act itself but I remember the significance of doing it at that particular time when I was meant to be at church ushering in the new year with prayer and thanksgiving.

My mother was quite upset when I got home later than the other neighbourhood kids. And for the first time ever, I received the verbal onslaught with a smile on my face thinking: "if only you knew what I had been up to" and also: "when can I do it again". Oh goodness! the foolishness of youth! My life was consumed with sex thereafter, weeks after weeks after that. We did it at at every opportunity, anywhere and everywhere ..... I had a boyfriend who had an admirably voracious appetite!.

Anyway, back to the subject of breaking virginities AKA doing something for the first time.

I am breaking my blog virginity and hopefully it won't hurt too much, and I have plenty of tissue on standby. There is a particular brand at Max Mart which can really soak up and has the absorption power akin to that of a Tampax heavy flow tampon; the type you use on the 2nd day of flow :0)

I won't attempt to describe myself here, and neither am I asking for others' opinions of me. Some people believe the best & most honest descriptions are from other people. But hell no! not me! I don't have much faith in the intelligence of others' ability to figure me out correctly.

I will try and keep up with posting here about all manner of things in my life and my musings on life in general. As the title says, it will be a lot of blathering; wiktionary defines blather as
- nonsensical or foolish talk; to talk rapidly without making much sense and that is exactly what you will find on here. I have skinny also in the title cos I am NOT skinny but lately I've been thinking an awful lot about losing weight and becoming skinny. I'm hoping when I think it enough that I will become it. Someone say Amen!

I'm also hoping that in my madder moments people reading this in centuries to come will attribute my foolish nonsense to marvellous ingenuity

Quoting from Gladiator, 'What we do in life echoes in eternity' my hope is that anyone reading this will echo with something slightly better than 'WTF?!'.


  1. Ohh Dee you never cease to amaze me! this is clearly a free spirit in self discovery.

    First time of sex? still recall bits and pieces of the act though. It was all curiosity tinged with excitement.

    Looking forward to your next piece on boxers.
    I guess 2010 is a year of breaking virginities AKA doing something for first time.

  2. Wickedly and very unDebulingly and unGhanaianingly forthright. Can't wait for subsequent posts. . .

    First time? It was Form One Long Vac so that would have made me 13 yrs old. Was seduced by a lady a year older than me but bodywise 6 years ahead.

    Looking back I must have been used to quench a recently unleashed libido. I didn't and still am not complaining.

  3. "when can I do it again?????" Well, that makes one of us. I'm glad I'm not one to make generalizations or I'd never have sex my entire life again!! The good thing about having such a terrible first time is, it could only get better from there ;-). Very excited about your blog! Goodness knows I won't be able to help myself. Expect me after every post.......

  4. OldManChild, your experience seems to be what happens to most guys, usually being seduced by the older more experienced lady. I wonder why I never seduced a younger guy too? But she was 14?? ei woas3i paaaaa. :0). And I have now firgured out who you are ...

    Paapa and Abla, enjoy and come back for more ...

  5. whoaaaa! this is way funnnnnny! i never knew you could write hilarious blogs/ blatherings... don't worry, since it's your first time, we'll be the gentlest...

    skinny? can't wait to see

    ~your CS (cyber-stalker)

    ps: 'my job (till I get fired)'... lmao!

  6. Who art thou CS? pray tell .....
