I think I would be described as sweet-natured, laid-back (almost horizontal), no-hustle woman and reasonable by most of my ex-boyfriends and even my husband; though for my husband I have a sneaky suspicion his opinion may change over time.
But, I am human and a Ghanaian female (double trouble) and I have my moments of craze when I display signs of my body being possessed by an alien (has anyone seen ‘The ‘Bodysnatchers’?). I can be mean and every time I’m mean I could give a 1000 and 1 reasons why my meanness was justified. In this piece I will call all men Adam and females would be collectively called Eve; this is my opinion and some women may not agree with me but I am also called Evelyn so go figure.
1. Adam doesn’t Listen – Eve tells Adam the things that are really important to her a million times. Adam just keeps on doing the same stuff that annoy Eve. It’s like Adam is on some mission! To get Eve to stab him out of sheer frustration! I mean when I say I don’t like my stew on the rice but by the side and you do it 3 consecutive times what is Eve supposed to do, jump for joy? She would rather reach for the cleaver ……
What to do: Adam, listen. This doesn’t mean “open your ears and hear her.” This means DO something differently. Obviously you can’t do everything Eve wants (I mean even God can’t do all that Eve wants, but plastic surgeons are trying and that’s another topic all together) – by the time Adam gets to the stage where Eve is fed up with him not listening, there is a very long list of things she wants Adam to change. That’s fine; Adam deserves that.
Adam, just change the important one or ones. Which is this? This is the thing that when you do, she no longer gives you the cold war. You know when Eve is upset she is not the kind to yell or throw things about; she gets super silent with a really tight face and just kind of goes from place to another trying to get away from you for a few minutes. When this happens, try to ask yourself “What thing has she mentioned did I do just before she started (insert behavior such as looking through me like I don’t exist)?” If you can stop doing that thing, she’ll feel that you have listened. At least for a while …………
2. Adam ignores Eve - This involves #1 because it’s one of those things Eve keeps saying that keeps happening. But it’s still an additional and very important issue and has enough clout to be listed as a separated issue on its own. Yes, I know – when you are ready to spend time with Eve, she’s doing her own stuff like gossiping on the phone with her BFFs or browsing the net. Well, still. She needs attention. You must figure out how to give it to her if you want her to be nice.
Remember: Attention doesn’t mean 3 hours a day–she’s WAY too busy talking to her friends on the phone, responding to emails, scheming with the snake in the Garden of Eden or shopping for that kind of time commitment. We’re talking 10-15 minutes of sitting with her when she seems to need your company; and you need to know when this need arises; you need to be able to know exactly when she needs your 100% attention on her and her alone.
What to do: It’s SOO not hard – basically say: “hey, let’s TALK!” Don’t worry, this means something totally different to her than it does to you. To you, it’s doomsday. To her, it’s pleasure/verbal Diarrhoea Island. Now I’m gon help Adam out here; below are some sample questions you can ask to keep the ‘conversation’ going
· How did your day go?
· Did you figure out what to do about that problem you mentioned the other day? When she asks which problem, you're gon have to be quick on the uptake and come out with something. I can't give you any definites, come on meehhnn can’t you read her mind?? Anyway, every Eve would have a problem with an annoying acquaintance, boss, or coworker. So THINK Adam!
· As she tells you the answer, do NOT tell her she handled it incorrectly!!! You have NO idea what you’re talking about. Just say things like:
· “oh really?” or
· “hmmm, that was an original idea.”
· also a really good one: “oh, that would work in a lot of scenarios.”
Trust me, this will take 15-12 minutes, and Eve would be really happy. This may feel fake but trust me again, in most cases this is what Eve is doing when you’re talking about your job. She doesn’t really care about all aspects of your job that she pretends to care about, but she wants to make you feel important. It won’t kill you to do the same; and she won’t even mind when she finds out you are faking; and trust me again she would catch you out one day; Eve is way smarter than Adam. But Eve won’t mind too much cos she knows it’s the thought that counts; even pretense takes a lot of planning and time.
3. Adam creates so much work for Eve, yet does so little work - I know, most Adams do work and help. The problem is most Adams THINK they do, but really they don’t. Eve yells about Adam’s towels and clothes on the floor, his show scuff marks on the floor, his dried-up soap suds on the shower walls – why? Not because she wants to be mean. But because she’s tired, after having to put up with all those annoying colleagues and her boss at work (refer to # 2) and doing these things is extra work. Plus, the only reason she HAS to do them is because you didn’t. Not fair. Sorry, simply not fair.
What to do: Adam, STOP and LISTEN. Take note of the work you create for Eve, and stop doing it. Adam should develop the valuable skill of picking out those important key words amidst the rant that he may get, and then stop creating one or two types of unfair work. If Adam is able to achieve this, he would be on his way to having a great week next week!
There is also the other topic of the extra work Adam creates for Eve by doing unnecessary stuff that Eve does not need doing! Every Eve should STOP her Adam from buying a tool box! Most Adams (unless he has been professionally trained) do not know their way around a spanner, drill or pair of pliers; they only pretend to. And an Adam always thinks when he uses a tool enough times he would automatically become a carpenter, electrician etc. And while he is learning, your house would slowly become a wreck.
At this point I know all the Adams reading this would be fighting the urge to acknowledge that I am making a lot of sense; they would be thinking of a counter-attack…… Well, I will save you that trouble; I realize there are many things your girlfriend and wife need to change. I’ve changed over just a year of marriage (I’d like to think), so I will at this point refer all Adams to my post of a few days ago on the lessons I’ve learnt from marriage. That post particularly flatters Adam so enjoy …